Queen Violetta - Character Concept

When I can, I work on art courses to guide my digital art journey and to help me improve. Recently, I have been working on a course by artist, Hardy Fowler. He teaches concept art and character design. Using some of his digital painting tips, I was able to create this character. He also provided the base that I used to build upon and create my design.

I call this character Delora Violetta. She is the all-powerful and villainous Majesty of the Dark and Empress of Evil.

The images I've posted show my process of creating her. Firstly, I created a few roughly sketched concepts of different possible silhouettes. I then chose one to refine in terms of line art. I created a rough-value painting to experiment with how I'd want the lighting to look. I then used a technique taught by Hardy Fowler which is to paint, for example, the dress any colour, like the orange-red shown in the image, and then add a hue adjustment layer to change the colour, brightness, etc.

I loved working on this character and will be creating more characters of my own from this course.



Sketch, Refined Lines, Rough Values, Refined Values + Colour Blocking before Hue Change

Sketch, Refined Lines, Rough Values, Refined Values + Colour Blocking before Hue Change

Quick Concepts

Quick Concepts